Chapter 2 Quiz
Chapter 2 Summary of Key Points – Test Your Recall!
Fill in the blanks below to reinforce learning of the information presented in chapter 2. We all have (a) __________ that inform our efforts to __________ the world and people around us. The reality is, we go through life (b) _____________ based on our ________________, preferences, and ____________ of conditioning. Once we form categories or frameworks in terms of how we think about things, they are very hard to change. Our brains, through mechanisms such as (c) _____________ __________, enable us to perpetuate and spread ideas that are simply not accurate or make decisions that __________ one group over another. The word implicit is about us being (d) ______________ or taking something ____________ as absolute. The word bias is being (e)________________ or having a _____________. Implicit bias increases (f)_______________ _____________, which is reoccurring extreme self-doubt and feelings of not being good enough. One of the ongoing challenges to the (g) _____________ and effectiveness of determining leadership potential is ___________. When using the term (h)______________, the intent is to acknowledge all the ways in which are _____________ and ________________. Inclusion means that we (i)________________ and knowingly recognize and engage in the _______________ among us in a significant and ___________________ way. Equity means that we have built a clear (j) _________________ for people, everyone, to have access to _______________. Based on identical resumes, men are called to interviews in (k)____________ proportions than women resulting in women being called to interviews _______________ less often than men. Regardless of specific data indicating women have bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees, and PhDs, women remain (l)____________________ in ____________ level roles. The phrase “think manager – think male” is associated with the (m)______________ that leadership and ____________ behavior is ____________________. Matters are further complicated for women when determining leadership potential because they are (n)_________________ with having to maintain _______________ outside of work, where most of the _________________ duties fall on their shoulders compared to their male counterparts. Blacks are less likely to be employed than whites. Overall, they have much worse (o)_________________ and earn less _______________ than white people even when comparing the same ______________ and __________________. Physical biases exist in many forms, both by attributing more (p)____________________ feelings toward people who have various _________________ and __________________ feelings toward those who don’t. Attractiveness also factors into this effort. More attractive people make more money than less attractive people because the former is viewed as being more (q)________________, regardless of any ________________ supporting that supposition. We often do not see how others (r)________________ us, both on the upside of our strengths and positive attributes and the downside regarding our _______________. Our blind spots influence our behaviors such that hitting the mark becomes a guessing game. As managers and leaders responsible for determining (s) __________________ potential, it is essential that we recognize that we have ______________. There is bias in how we evaluate performance. Women typically receive (t)____________ performance reviews yet _____________ pay increases.
Answer Key for Chapter 2 Summary
(a) biases, judge
(b) sorting, experiences, effects
(c) confirmation bias, benefit
(d) implicit, subjective
(e) non-neutral, preference
(f) imposter phenomenon
(g) credibility, bias
(h) diversity, unique, different
(i) actively, differences, intentional
(j) opportunity, opportunity
(k) higher, 30%
(l) underrepresented, senior
(m) belief, male, synonymous
(n) challenged, responsibility, domestic
(o) jobs, money, skills, experience
(p) positive, characteristics, negative
(q) intelligence, evidence
(r) experience, deficiencies
(s) leadership, bias
(t) higher, lower